A Programming Blog

Hello mobile user!

Hello World! An introduction to


The purpose of this website is to showcase some of my programming abilities to prospective clients, as well as to provide an educational blog and code snippets for the programming community.

I have begun by creating a very bare-bones, simple Content Management System (CMS) from scratch, using only PHP. The entire script is under 300 lines of code, and only 11kB in filesize. As time permits, I will make improvements to this CMS and document the journey in future posts.

I expect this blog to primarily cover PHP for now, however we'll also be touching upon other languages from time to time such as Python, JavaScript, and perhaps Basic4Android and other B4X flavors. There will also likely be some info posted about MySQL, CSS, and perhaps even some basic HTML as the need arises.

Welcome aboard and visit again soon!

Category: General Coding