A Programming Blog

Hello mobile user!

Starting to come together with a responsive template

This blog is finally starting to look like something more pleasant than raw text output.

It's far from done, however the template I'm using has really helped with the visual aesthetics. It is mostly based upon a very simple responsive template offered by with a few slight tweaks to customize it. This is really a fantastic template that can be easily adapted to many formats and resizes nicely for various screen sizes without lots of complex and unnecessary javascript. The default colors happen to compliment my background so nicely that I don't even want to change them.

There are still a few improvements to be made: I've added pages so the posts don't all appear on one long page, however I need to figure out some kind of menu system so that they are easily accessible. I have a list in the left column which is set to display links to some of the most recent posts, but as the number of posts increases, that will no longer suffice.

I would also like to add some type of category system to the posts, for better organization and navigation.

Likewise, I want to add the ability to create dedicated pages, independent of the post numbering system; these would be for more permanent resources such as a contact page, downloads page for software, and things of that nature.

Some type of schedule based posting system would be nice, as would the ability to make a post 'sticky' to the main page. For now it is simply defaulting to my first post.

With that, I will draw this post to close. Keep checking back to watch the progress!

Category: Cms