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Split Test Banner Optimizer

Split Test Banner Optimizer

This script allows you to very easily split test banners and display the one which generates the highest Click Through Rate (CTR) automatically. It does this by displaying all banners in rotation, then gradually increasing the likelihood that the top performing banner will be displayed. If you want to add a new banner to the mix, simply upload the banner file to the specified directory and it will be added to the rotation.

The script is pretty straightforward to install and use, there is no control panel for this one.

Place this file in a directory called 'opt' with permissions set to 777 and run it once with the argument index.php?install=t, this will create the required directories and set their permissions.

Under the /opt/banners/ folder, create a new folder for each banner group and upload your banners there.

Edit the index.php file where it says $groups['BANNERGROUP'] = '';
swap BANNERGROUP with the exact text that you used for the group under the /opt/banners/BANNERGROUP/ folder, and swap your desired landing page for the link

If you'd like to use the geo features, set them as appropriate. By default $use_geo = true; you may set this to false to turn this feature off.

Now, on any site where you would like these banners to appear, you must place the following code within your HTML:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

BANNERGROUP must correspond to the folder name discussed above, and POSITIONNAME may be any arbitrary name to help keep track of stats, for instance or something similar.

That's all there is to it. If you've configured everything correctly, your banners will start displaying in a rotation and eventually the banner with the highest CTR will be displayed the majority of the time. If it becomes stale and the CTR drops, one of your other banners might take its place. You can use this same script for as many banner groups as you'd like.

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